Friday, January 27, 2012


I was listening to a talk show the other night – Real Time, I believe – when some anemic little shit from the Right informed Bernie Sanders that Social Security must be reformed because he doesn’t want to pay Bernie’s bills. No one bothered to ask him if he knew who had paid his grandfather’s bills – that would be Bernie and me. I don’t expect this trash to understand the nature of a social contract, however, this persistent condemning of people my age and older, retiring and retired, as thieves and leaches deserves a rejoinder. I am more than willing to take the Social Security that I earned in one lump sum. However, I demand interest be paid on that sum for the last 42 years at current credit card rates. I insist upon parity with the most proficient thieves and leaches in this country – the banks. Further, like the aristocrats of thieves and leaches the superrich, I don’t expect to pay taxes ever. I am certain many millions of us would be willing to take this deal causing the current deficit to explode astronomically in less time than it takes to say Ronald Reagan. Then these tight fisted, mean spirited, greedy Neanderthals are invited to shove that deficit and the empty shell of Social Security right up their ass to rest next to the sludge that is their brain.

Monday, January 16, 2012

In Remembrance of Dr. King

Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream of equality, justice, freedom and humanity is systematically being superseded by the Machiavellian principle that the ends justify the means with all the greed, cruelty and tyranny that implies. It seems to me that the upshot of the current drive toward voter suppression, income inequality, union busting, undermining of education and demonizing of the Working Class and the Working Poor is aimed at producing a society not unlike Machiavelli’s. In place of a government duly elected by the people there would be an absolute leader supported by a layer of aristocracy. Below the aristocracy would exist the common people tied to mere survival by the chains of economic deprivation.

This is not Americanism, nor is it democracy. It is in fact the death of Dr. King’s dream. We must teach our fellow countrymen that to spite all the flag waving, Bible thumbing, patriotism pontificating, fear mongering and false bravado, there is a perverse calculus at work here that will not serve them. If we do not then the ethereal grandeur of Dr. King’s dream will be relegated to a page in a dusty history book. That is to say if he is mentioned at all. There is nothing a Machiavellian hates more than a free thinker with a beautiful mind.