Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Liberal Flag

The religious fascists in Texas were defeated in their special session called to restrict abortion rights.  Still they promise to return to their sacred mission and continue pushing state’s rights to the brink of farce in order to save fetuses for Christ and starve children for Mammon. 
To all moderate “swing voters” who thought they might try the Right on in 2010, I have a few questions.  How do like them now?  How do you like having your rights summarily sacrificed to the cause of fundamentalist lunacy?  Are you enjoying the harmony of a mostly all boys choir singing hymns to life at any cost and patriotic songs to justify sending your sons and daughters off to die on foreign soil?  To all Democrats who stayed home, thinking the off year election didn’t matter – or worse not thinking at all.  Prepare to get off your ass and see to the franchise when the next one rolls around. 
We all saw the Tea Party carry the Gadsden Flag in 2009.  The Democrats flew their flag in the Senate Chamber in Texas – a call to Common Cause, to civil action, civil disobedience if needed.   We don’t wear tea bags on our hats and screech about our rights while ignoring our responsibilities.  We carry the standard of FDR and the Liberal Legacy.  We are righteous in our service to the common good and valiant in our love of equality and liberty for ALL.  Accordingly, we must stand together like the people in Texas.  We must make '14 look like '10 to our despicable and implacable enemies.  In other words, we must take the war on women, on workers, on people of color, on gays and on the young and the old to them at the ballot box.

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