Fundamentalist religion, be it Christian or Islamic or any
other creed or sect, is counter indicated to the exercise of personal
liberty. Further, it is anathema to the
establishment and sustainability of a free democratic state. Our founding fathers knew this and
accordingly inserted the “Freedom of Religion and Establishment Clause” into
the First Amendment. This clause does
not make it possible for any one religion to supersede any other; nor does it
mandate the supremacy of religious freedom over any other freedom or the civil
rights of any individual.
In point of fact, we have seen throughout history and unto
this day that Fundamentalism is the bedrock of tyranny; not to mention
camouflage for every scoundrel who would weasel, wheedle, slither, slime and
steal their way into public office and power.
Daily these monstrosities usurp the language and sense of the
Constitution. They preach Liberty while
systematically eroding our freedoms one step at a time. In the name of independence they would have
the government destroyed. To be replaced
with what? They would see the IRS, the
EPA and Department of Education smashed.
To be replaced with what?
My dear sister and friend, Jackie, reminded me of something that Sinclair Lewis said in the early part of
the last century, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the
flag and carrying a cross.” Lewis was a
prophet. Morning, noon and night here
they come praising Jesus, practicing war and promoting intolerance. They are Christians who have never read the
New Testament, and who spend the image of Christ liberally without meaning or truth.
“Being true to your religious values requires sacrifice on
your part. It’s not a price to be paid
by the public,” says my good friend John. Truer words were never
spoken. Now is the time for people of
all faiths, of no faith and those who aren't sure, whether they stand on the
Left or the Right or in the middle, to stand up and say, ENOUGH! Crawl back in your cave and take you vicious,
little God with you.