As the corporate media's credibility
circles the drain, Rush Limbaugh falls and both political party establishments
quake and quiver on the verge of revolution, I give you Donald Trump and Ted
Cruz on the road to perdition.
now and then a malignant ideologue rears their ugly head in the body politic.
Some are charming, some charismatic, and some just intimidating and ugly. They
all have three things in common. First, they are generally liars, usually
fanatics and always name callers. Without exception they seize upon a term with
which to define others as social pariahs and use it freely. Secondly, they are
not interested in the common good. For all their mouthing off about freedom,
patriotism, Christianity and the wonder of democracy they are without exception
self promoting power junkies. Finally, they all come to an ignominious end
generally at the hands of the institutions that supported them.
the 1930’s - during the Great Depression - a priest known as Father Charles
Coughlin took the job. He was a rabid anti-Semite and supporter of many of
Hitler and Mussolini’s policies. He hated Communism. After initially supporting
Roosevelt, Coughlin turned on him and the New Deal. He spewed his detestable
venom over the public airways via a series of radio broadcasts. In 1942 the
Bishop of Detroit, Edward Mooney, ordered Coughlin to clam up and go back to
his parish duties. He did until he retired in 1966. However, this particular
ideological nut case introduced the world of demagoguery to the mass media.
Therefore, he is the grandfather of the Rush Limbaughs and the Glenn Becks of
twenty years later along came Joseph McCarthy, Republican Senator from
Wisconsin. This guy was a paranoid tyrant who saw little red communists under
every car and dining room table. Using the bludgeon of the Senate’s subpoena
power he brought countless innocent people before that august body to be
intimidated, slandered, filleted and ruined. They were all communists to him,
and all communists looked alike. He served from 1947 until his death in 1957.
It is worth noting that McCarthy was never able to prove any of his charges of
Communism, and that in 1954 the Senate voted to censure him by 67 to 22. This
effectively put him back in his box for the duration of his tenure.
brilliant journalist Edward R. Murrow once said of McCarthy, "His primary
achievement has been in confusing the public mind, as between the internal and
the external threats of Communism. . . We must remember always that accusation
is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of
you substitute the word terrorism for the word communism you will have exactly
what is going on today. The Right’s lies, the blatant hypocrisy, the false
accusations and the distortions are all designed to confuse, muddle and mislead
the electorate. This has nothing to do with serving the public good. It is
about power and political gain pure and simple.
are so many demagogues slithering through the political scene today that one is
hard pressed to identify a single primary perpetrator. Like Coughlin and
McCarthy they are for the most part on the far right tending toward the lunatic
fringe. Unable to articulate any kind of coherent public policy argument, lacking
any pretense of a serious commitment to the electorate, willing to say anything
to get their face in front of a camera, profoundly judgmental, prone to name
calling and hypocrisy - at times cruel - they are the most destructive
personalities on the public stage. Most of them have a large following as did
Father Coughlin and Joe McCarthy. All of them are extremely adept at inspiring
fear, hatred, and anger. As were Coughlin and McCarthy.
far they will rise in the political world isn’t so much up to them or the
Republican power brokers as it is up to us. We are a people who love to follow
a Pied Piper with a mouth full of ear candy until it becomes obvious that we
are being taken for a ride. By then we have generally paid dearly for the
privilege. I would suggest a review of George W. Bush's run up to Iraq and the
subsequent fear mongering of the next several years.
was worse than Coughlin, because he was more powerful then Coughlin. The new
breed of ideologues have a definite potential to be worse than McCarthy because
they have access to greater wealth and a slavish media. With only a few
exceptions there are no more Edward R. Murrows.
someone inspires fear in me I don’t automatically think of following them. Fear
mongers are fear mongering for a reason, and it is never a noble or honorable
reason no matter how well it is wrapped in Christianity, integrity or
we believe that it is possible ". . . to form a more perfect union,
establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves
and our posterity. . ." then we had better stop following every snake oil
salesman with a false face and a fall guy down the road to perdition.
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